Tap on the person icon at the bottom of the screen to go to the Profile area, then tap on the settings cog icon at the top right corner:
Personal info
Head here to update your profile photo, name, username, date of birth, and gender. You’ll also be able to see the email address you registered your CGX profile with.
Workout history
This is where you’ll find the full list of workouts you’ve completed so far, and the date you completed them.
All statistics
Go here to choose which statistics to show in the Home area of the CGX app.
Change password
If you log in to the app via email and password, you can change your password here. Please note: if you log in to the app via Apple or Google, you will not have a password for the app.
Privacy of profile
Go here to choose whether to show your name and profile photo to other CGX members.
Terms & conditions
You can access our full terms and conditions in this area.
Privacy policy
Tap on this to read our full privacy policy.
Delete account
This is where you can choose to delete your profile. We recommend reading this page in full before deleting your profile: How do I delete my profile?
Log out
Tap on this to log out of the CGX app.
Click on your name at the top right corner and then select Settings:
You'll see the settings menu bar along the top:
If you created your CGX profile via email and password, head here to update your email address or change your password.
Workout History
Head here to see every CGX workout you’ve completed.
This is where you’ll see information about your current subscription plan and payment method. You can also update or cancel your plan from here, or change the card used for payment.
Privacy & Notifications
Set your profile policy and notifications preferences here.
This is where you can read the CGX Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, and also where you can delete your profile or log out.