Rome wasn’t built in a day… It can be easy to become caught up in a new workout plan. We start with the best of intentions because we are motivated, we plan to hit the gym five days a week, add in a HIIT session, only eat organic meat and vegetables, and wake at 5am every morning to fit all of our new goals in for the day. We might make it two weeks into our new routine before we fall off the health kick wagon and we start to think “why can’t I stick to this, I’m a failure!”
I want to make it very clear that YOU are not a failure, you have just tried to do too much too soon. Take a step back, re-evaluate your goals, and break them down into obtainable and measurable goals. If you want to improve your nutrition, start with breakfast and fine-tune that meal: can you add in a protein source? Can you switch to slow-releasing carbohydrates from refined carbohydrates?
Instead of working out five days a week, aim for two or three sessions a week and if you manage to fit in four or five workouts then that is a bonus! If you want to add in some cardio for your cardiovascular health but don’t like to run or simply don’t enjoy it then add in a brisk daily walk instead. Small changes repeatedly over time all add up and become a new way of life without you even noticing it! And the small changes are what can make or break a healthy lifestyle.