Build up your calendar of workouts by adding individual workouts or even full programs to your CGX calendar.
Add an individual workout to your calendar
Go to any workout on the app
Tap the calendar icon next to Let’s Go
A calendar will appear – choose which date you want to schedule the workout for
Now choose which time you want to schedule the workout for
Tap Done
Add a program to your calendar
Add an entire program to your calendar, and all of the subsequent workouts will be scheduled automatically, including the rest days.
- Go to any program on the app
- Tap the calendar icon next to Let’s Go
- A calendar will appear – choose which date you want to start this program
- Now choose which time you want to schedule your workouts for
- Tap Done
Add an individual workout to your calendar
- Go to any workout
- Click on the calendar icon next to Let's Go
- A calendar will appear – choose which date you want to schedule the workout for
- Now choose which time you want to schedule the workout for
- You'll have the option to set a workout reminder
- Click Schedule workout
Add a program to your calendar
Add an entire program to your calendar and all of the subsequent workouts will be scheduled automatically, including the rest days.
- Go to any program
- Click on the calendar icon next to Let's Go
- A calendar will appear – choose which date you want to start this program
- Now choose which time you want to schedule your workouts for
- You'll have the option to set a reminder
- Click Schedule program